UK’s biggest manufacturing exporter tells Chancellor good start but more to do | CIA





Press Release

The Chemical Industries Association (CIA), which represents chemical and pharmaceutical businesses in the UK, cautiously welcomes the Chancellor's Summer Statement, particularly on job and apprenticeship creation, retention and green recovery but looks forward to a more industrial-focused approach in the coming Autumn budget and spending review.

Steve Elliott, CIA Chief Executive said: "We support the Governments measures to kick start the economy. As a sector, we place strong emphasis in ensuring young people enter and remain in the workplace through training and apprenticeships. The sector depends on the best scientists and engineers, it’s for this reason we operate a large number of apprenticeships and training programmes so are grateful for the support in this crucial area.”

He continued “Our industry has been contributing directly towards the fight against COVID-19 - whether that is repurposing ethanol for hand sanitiser production; supplying key ingredients to ensure effective disinfectants or critical raw materials for medications. The past four months have again demonstrated our criticality to the economy and broader society”.

Elliott added “What we now need is an Autumn spending review and budget that clearly focuses on the UK’s manufacturing rebound with an emphasis on stimulating demand and supporting energy intensive industries as they transition to low carbon. The chemical industry continues to support half a million jobs, many of which are high skilled and well paid based in some of the most economically challenging parts of the UK. We are the solution to any levelling up challenges and we want to create an investment climate that delivers environmental, social and economic growth throughout the UK”.


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Simon Marsh

07951 389197


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07885 831615