UK Is Delivering On Competitiveness And Chemical Regulation | CIA





Press Release

Businesses across the chemical sector and other parts of the economy have been shown how they can deliver competitive advantage and at the same time comply with tough regulation. In a speech to REACHReady Approved Service Providers,  Dr Jo Lloyd the Leader of REACHReady, the UK’s leading chemicals consultancy service, said businesses throughout the UK were leading the way in meeting tough new European regulation while showing a strong ability to compete.

A deadline on the 31st May  through the Regulation, Evaluation, Authorisation of Chemicals (REACH Regulation will mean that all chemical substances manufactured or imported into the EU over 100 tonne per year will have had to have been registered with the European Chemicals Agency in Finland. Failure to do so will mean those substances being banned throughout the EU. Dr Lloyd said ‘there is plenty of expertise and advice to show all sizes of business how this can be done and I am pleased to say companies in the UK are working hard to meet the 2013 deadline while at the same time showing strong export ability”

REACHReady has seen an increase in the need for support to complete registration dossiers both from larger companies with extensive REACH teams as well as smaller companies looking to join in as joint registrants for the first time.

Lloyd “While the cost of compliance remained an issue throughout Europe, once this year’s deadline has been met, the ability of businesses to compete in the single market and other parts of the world will be enhanced. Unfortunately some sectors of our economy continue to complain about the law, if we all just got on with the job with the right support then the UK has a genuine chance to compete on the world stage”.


Notes to Editors:

Companies needing information on REACH should contact

For information on Reach deadlines see

Dr Jo Lloyd is the Director of REACHReady and a Director of the UK Chemical Industries Association – the organisation that represents chemical and pharmaceutical businesses across the UK

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07951 389197


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07885 831615