The UK’s Number One Manufacturing Exporter Welcomes Government Commitment To UK Science Base | CIA





Press Release

Industrialists at the head of the UK chemical and pharmaceutical industry (Britain’s leading manufacturing exporter) have spoken in support of Science Minister Jo Johnson’s pledge to science in the UK.

The leaders of companies, who are members of the Chemistry Growth Partnership, said in a joint statement “Jo Johnson, in his lecture to the Campaign for Science and Engineering, has set out a clear commitment to the  future of Britain's science base. The Chemistry Growth Partnership has made excellent progress as the hub for government and industry to jointly develop a policy for growth in our key chemicals sciences with the Government's support for a new National Formulation Centre as tangible proof of that commitment.  

The  Partnership will continue to work jointly with Government to support the science centres’ agenda, including through Catalyst on Merseyside and the  Centre for Industry Education Collaboration (CIEC) at the University of York. Delivering this type of broad engagement across society - linking school children, families and businesses - will provide a firm foundation to turn our scientific excellence into environmental, social and economic progress for the benefit of the UK. 



The Chemistry Growth Partnership was formed following the recommendation of the Chemistry Growth Strategy Group, to oversee and ensure the development of an action plan to drive the implementation of the recommendations resulting from the Chemistry Growth Strategy, launched in October 2013 at the inaugural meeting of the Partnership. The Partnership is a joint industry/Government initiative, being led by industry.

For additional information/quotes please contact Simon Marsh on 07951 389197.

Media & PR enquiries

For Media enquiries, please contact:

Simon Marsh

07951 389197


Diana Tamayo 

07885 831615