Our sector - a shared responsibility | CIA





Press Release

The UK chemical and pharmaceutical industry – a joint statement by Employers and Trade Unions

Since the start of COVID-19, the chemical and pharmaceutical sector has continued to work. As representatives of companies and trade unions from all parts of the UK, we believe the responsibility shown by employers and workforces has been a fantastic example to the rest of British industry, and we are proud of all involved.  

We want to ensure that, as we continue to operate, this standard continues.

We are jointly calling on both chemical and pharmaceutical companies and their workforces – at all levels - to maintain and develop further, the best practice jointly shown so far. We are very aware that, as time goes on, everyone is becoming weary of the restrictions that have been placed upon us in order to try to manage the impact of COVID-19. However, it is now more vital than ever that the measures put in place to protect us all are observed/followed. Measures such as social distancing, the wearing of PPE and the limits on the number of people in specific areas of the factory, the laboratory and the office are observed. Furthermore, should, following consultation, additional measures be required these must be adhered to by both employers and employees alike. We urge this approach to protect the health and the safety of every one who works in our industry, and also the wellbeing of the millions of customers who rely on the essential products we produce.   

Furthermore, we appeal to everyone who works in chemical and pharmaceutical places of work – whatever your role in your organisation – that, no matter how frustrating it feels, to please do all you can to follow whatever measures that are in place to fight COVID-19 outside of work for the benefit of you, your families, your colleagues and your workplace.



For further information, please contact CIA's Media Team.

This statement has been agreed by the Chemical Industries Association on behalf of our members and by trade unions: Community, GMB, Unite the Union and Usdaw, on behalf of their members across our sector.

Media & PR enquiries

For Media enquiries, please contact:

Simon Marsh

07951 389197



Diana Tamayo 

07885 831615
