European Parliament Adoption Of The Compromise Package | CIA





Press Release

On 7 July 2010 the European Parliament adopted by 639 votes in favour, 35 votes against a compromise package agreed in the trialogue with the Council and the Commission on the Industrial Emissions Directive. The Industrial Emissions Directive combines seven pieces of existing legislation, including directives on Integrated Pollution Prevention and control (IPPC) and Large combustion plants. This is the main piece environmental legislation applying to 52,000 industrial activities in Europe.

Anne-Gaelle Collot, CIA Head of Environment said:

‘We are pleased by the adoption by the European Parliament of the compromise package, which we believe is a fair compromise between the various political positions and which lays a solid framework for achieving environmental goals as well as maintaining a competitive European industry. The text contains workable provisions for large combustion plants as well as the necessary flexibility to ensure a risk-based approach to environmental permitting in line with the current UK implementation of European environmental permitting legislation.

Due to comprehensive compliance with IPPC, the UK chemical industry is well placed to work with the competent authoritieson the implementation of the directive to ensure that the environmental and industrial objectives of the directive are achieved. A proper implementation respecting the spirit of the compromise in all member states will be crucial for industry in the UK.

The Council is expected to rubber stamp the compromise text later this month.

Contact Name: Fiona Ferguson

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