CIABATA > Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy


The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) will come into effect on 25th May. This means you have more control over how your personal data is used. We take our obligation to preserve, protect and manage confidential and personal information seriously. 

Who We Are
CIABATA is a subsidiary company of the Chemical Industries Association.

What We Do
We manage the chemical sector’s climate change agreement (CCA) with the government, on behalf of participating companies. CIABATA’s role as the CCA sector manager is to support members’ participation in the scheme by representing them in interactions with the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS) who set CCA policy, with the Environment Agency (EA) who are the scheme administrator.

Some of the data we hold about organisations and individuals is held or can be accessed and used by other organisations who provide services for us ‘third parties’. We have agreements with such organisations that clarify legally compliant responsibility.  

The information we retain on organisations is the minimum we need to process their membership subscriptions, and communicate with them as a function of their membership. Any changes to the individuals we communicate with in our member organisations should be notified to us by their organisation. All individuals with whom we send promotional material – either in member/stakeholder organisations or where they are directly themselves members of our organisations – may unsubscribe from what we send them and ask to be removed from our databases. Other individuals whose information we may need, to process invoices etc., we will retain their details until all debts have been settled.

Our database categorises organisations and individuals on the basis of their experience with us. For example people or organisations who have attended a particular event on one of our policy areas may be contacted about other similar events.

Images may be captured during events organised and/or hosted by us using film photography, digital photography, video or other mediums. We reserve the right to use the images captured in any brochures, booklets, videos, websites or other media and publicity material we produce. People may object to being pictured and we will respect that.

If you have any points to raise about this policy or your data please contact Simon Marsh at or Suzan Gunnee at

Where individuals or organisations feel that their information has been inappropriately, incorrectly or falsely or not satisfied with any explanation we have given they used by us they should contact the Information Commissioner’s Office here.