Maximising UK Opportunities From Industrial Biotechnology In Low Carbon Economy | CIA





Press Release

The Industrial Biotechnology Innovation & Growth Team (IB-IGT) today published its report Maximising UK Opportunities from Industrial Biotechnology in a Low Carbon Economy. Industrial biotechnology is the use of biological resources for producing and processing materials, chemicals and energy. Such resources include plants, algae, marine life, fungi and micro-organisms.

The IB-GT is an industry led group established to create a strategic view on the key innovation and growth challenges for industrial biotechnology and how it can improve the competitiveness of the chemicals and chemical using sectors.

The report sets out a vision for industrial biotechnology in 2025 and makes a series of recommendations to Government and industry on how to achieve this vision.

Welcoming the report Steve Elliott, CIA Chief Executive said, "This report is ideally timed to capitalise on the Government's commitment to rebalance the UK economy with hi-tech manufacturing - industrial biotechnology is at the heart of that commitment

The CIA and its members have been involved in the course of the report's work and we fully support the report's vision of making the UK "easy to do business with" and I endorse the five key recommendations on industrial leadership; financial attraction; innovation, the development and retention of talent and a fully supportive public and business environment.

We look forward to playing our part in delivering the recommendations and, in particular, supporting the delivery of demonstrator projects to help commercialise industrial biotechnology on a significant scale. However industry can only do this with the support of Government so I urge them to honour their commitment to hi-tech manufacturing by implementing the recommendations."

Click here for a copy of the report.

Contact Name: Fiona Ferguson

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