Leading Industrial Sector Demands Chancellor Acts On 4-Point Plan To Enable Growth | CIA





Press Release

Britain’s leading manufacturing exporter has called on George Osborne to take decisive action when he makes his Autumn Statement to Parliament on Wednesday. The chemical and pharmaceutical industry says there needs to be urgent action on securing an affordable supply of energy, simplifying regulation, stimulating investment in innovation and production and maintaining and developing a high quality UK workforce.

The Industry’s trade body, the Chemical Industries Association has made a detailed submission to the Chancellor. Steve Elliott, Chief Executive of the Association, said “While I am pleased we are working with government to determine a UK Chemical Industry Strategy for 2030, there are a number of key, immediate constraints on business competitiveness that need addressing now in order to enable sustainable growth”

He continued “We have given government detailed ways in which the concerns of our companies could be addressed that would allow us to compete with Country’s like Germany and America. In the areas of energy, of regulation, of supporting innovation and of delivering a skilled workforce there are many examples we can learn from and I hope we do. I believe in the UK’s ability to compete but it will become harder if we don’t act now. One easy move would be to improve capital investment allowances which would complement an innovation drive”


The Autumn Statement submission is attached here

For an interview with Steve Elliott, please contact Simon Marsh on 07951 389197

The Chemical Industries Association www.cia.org.uk. Is the Trade Association and Employers Federation for Chemcial and Pharmaceutical businesses located throughout the UK

Media & PR enquiries

For Media enquiries, please contact:

Simon Marsh

07951 389197



Diana Tamayo 

07885 831615
