Government Publishes Green Economy Roadmap | CIA





Press Release

The Government today published Enabling the transition to a green economy: Government and Businesses working together.  It looks ahead to 2020 and maps out planned Government action across areas including climate change, resource efficiency, waste prevention, carbon capture and storage, offshore wind generation, and the Green Deal. It will form the basis for continuing dialogue between government, business and communities.

The document has been developed by Defra, BIS, and DECC in response to requests from the private sector for greater clarity on what government means by a ‘green economy’, the policies being put in place to achieve this, and how they come together.

Commenting on the roadmap Steve Elliott, CIA Chief Executive said “I am pleased that Government has recognised the need to work with industries such as the chemical sector to deliver a green economy.  We provide many of the solutions for a green economy – it is innovations in our sector that allows manufacturers to be resource efficient, cut waste and reduce carbon emissions.

However, it is essential that when Government talks of the green economy and environmental taxes that they understand the full impact of their policies on industry.  We believe that in its assessment last week, the Department for Energy and Climate Change may have significantly underestimated the cost to industry of UK climate change and energy policies. I am calling on Government to come clean about the cost to business so that we can have an honest debate about how we can have a green economy that is thriving not shrinking.”

Contact Name: Fiona Ferguson

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