Europe’s Key Manufacturing Employer Celebrates A Decade Of Success | CIA





Press Release

The European Chemical Employers Group (ECEG) has celebrated ten years of delivering for its members. Since its formation in 2002, ECEG whose members are the national chemical associations from countries within Europe, has provided an information and best practice sharing amongst its members, lobbied on social affairs policy and been the employer social partner in the Sectoral Social Dialogue for the chemical industry.

Speaking at a conference to mark the tenth anniversary held in Brussels on 3 December, ECEG President Steve Elliott said “ECEG has been at the heart of European Union Social Affairs Developments for our whole ten years. In that time we have worked closely with the Commission, Parliament and our social partners to represent Chemical businesses located throughout our continent. I am very grateful to all the organisations and institutions that we have worked with, they have all helped us in our work. We have made a good start; it is important that we build on this and continue to deliver for our Industry in the next decade and beyond”.


Notes to the editors

The European Chemical Employers Group (ECEG) is the social affairs organisation of the European chemical industry, grouping national employers’ federations of the sector from 24 countries: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, the Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden and the United Kingdom.

Via its national member federations ECEG represents some 10,000 companies of the chemical industry with more than 1 million employees in Europe. ECEG is a partner within the Cefic family of European organisations, representing the employers’ interests of the European chemical industry. ECEG closely works together with BUSINESSEUROPE and other European sectoral employers’ organisations.

For more information on ECEG see

If you would like an interview with Steve Elliott please contact Andreas Ogrinz at +32 2 290 89 81 or e-mail at

Media & PR enquiries

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Simon Marsh

07951 389197


Diana Tamayo 

07885 831615