Chemical Industry Welcomes Health And Safety Review | CIA





Press Release

The Chemical Industries Association today welcomed the Lofstedt Review into health and safety regulations, commissioned by the Government.

The chemical industry sometimes uses high hazard substances and processes to make products that are important to our everyday lives from medicines to electronics.  These substances and processes are carefully controlled to make them a very low risk to people and the environment.  Regulation of businesses that are high hazard is essential to give reassurance to employees and the public that any related risks are minimised.  Business has played its part in making those regulations stronger.

Commenting on the review Steve Elliott, Chief Executive of the Chemical Industries Association, said:

“Chemical businesses have been leading the way on the development of world class personal and process safety practices.  This review is an opportunity to ensure that health and safety remains a key priority for our sector and others, while ensuring that we can continue to compete globally. We believe this can be achieved with measures that recognise companies that go beyond regulatory requirements, reinforced by good performance records, enabling the Regulators to focus resources on poorer performers.”

Contact Name: Fiona Ferguson

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07951 389197


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07885 831615