Chemical Industry Awards Shortlist | CIA





Press Release

The Chemical Industries Association is pleased to announce the Chemical Industry Awards shortlist for 2010.  Despite another challenging year for the economy the awards entries matched the record-breaking crop from 2009.

Commenting on the Awards entries Steve Elliott CIA Chief Executive said:

"During the election campaign there was much talk of a "rebalancing" of the economy in favour of modern high-tech manufacturing. The message to our new Coalition ministers is that the chemical and pharmaceutical industry - contributing over £30million every day to the UK balance of trade - must be at the heart of this rebalancing.

Our Award categories seek to capture the very best illustrations of leadership, ranging from environment and skills through to reputation and low carbon.  In particular I would like to highlight the quality of entries to the Innovation Award as an indication that the UK chemical sector is emerging from the global economic downturn with new ideas, new potential for growth and a world leader in high-tech, efficient manufacturing."

The winners of the Awards will be revealed on the 24 June at the Chemical Awards Dinner hosted by the Chemical Industries Association at St George's Hall in Liverpool. (Tickets

The short-listed finalists for the 2010 Chemical Industry Awards are:

Dow Reputation Award

This Award is in recognition of the company which has shown best practice in communicating to and involving a range of stakeholders, enhancing its reputation and that of industry at large.

Chemical Industry Education Centre - York

For over 20 years CIEC have been developing innovative solutions to increase the understanding of industrial chemistry by children of all ages. This includes over 100 publications, an extensive array of websites and programmes to take pupils onto manufacturing sites to study curriculum related topics. In the last 10 years, through CIEC specialist support, over 54,000 children and 12,000 teachers have gained a firsthand view of what the industry is really like.

Huntsman Polyurethanes - Redcar

Recognising the need for many more young people to join the industry in the next 10 years Huntsman have focused much of their reputation strategy on engaging with school children. Activities include developing a DVD that is engaging and gets the relevant health and safety messages across. The company also raise safety, health and environmental awareness with local schools and help organise a Chemistry Jamboree for students across the Northeast.

INEOS Manufacturing Scotland Ltd.- Grangemouth

The site has adopted a programme of engaging young people at every stage of their education, to develop their awareness, interest and understanding of our sector. Examples include their Annual Science Engineering and Technology fair, INEOS also designed a Lecture for 17/18 year olds aimed to inspire and enthuse pupils towards science subjects as they enter further education or the job market.

Shasun Pharma Solutions - Cramlington

This site has a long history of supporting the local community. An innovative photographic exhibition in the village community centre was staged in celebration of their 40 anniversary. Employees also volunteered to convert part of the site to a wetlands conservation area for use by the local community and schools.

EDF Energy Low Carbon Award - Sponsored by EDF Energy

This Award will be given to the company which can best demonstrate enhanced carbon management through initiatives such as improved resource efficiency, the use of alternative energy sources and solutions designed to achieve energy saving across their supply chain.

AstraZeneca - Bristol

A new Combined Heat and Power plant is delivering major energy savings. Other initiatives include a wide voltage reduction programme, increases in batch sizes and a study of buildings efficiency. The programme has enabled the site to meet stringent energy reduction targets at the same time as expanding production and bringing new products to site.

GlaxoSmithKline - Irvine

A Sustainable Manufacturing Board was established in 2008, with the objective of mobilising the whole site to reduce energy through a programme of sustainable, energy efficient projects and ways of working. In 2009 22 projects were completed resulting in a 13% reduction in energy use.

Huntsman Polyurethanes - Wilton

Aniline is a key intermediate in the production of polyurethane foams which play a key role in insulating buildings making them more energy efficient. Aniline manufacture is very energy intensive but Huntsman have now developed a completely new process using a more energy efficient reactor and catalyst. If this new technology were applied across the Huntsman group it would save over half a million tonnes CO2 per year.

SI Group-UK, Ltd. - Four Ashes

 This small site produces a waste gas stream containing methane from two continuous catalytic processes. In their quest to cut the site's carbon footprint, a system has been developed to feed these waste gasses into the main site boilers, and use a major energy source. Daily gas use has been cut by over 60% and the site's carbon footprint reduced by over 2,500 tonnes per year.

Solutia UK Limited - Newport

Solutia are making rapid progress towards their vision of becoming self-sufficient in energy. A recently installed wind turbine farm is starting to play a key role in this but the site is also engaged in a range of other energy efficiency measures. Even without the wind farm, energy consumption has been cut by over 60% in ten years.

Skills Alliance Award - Sponsored by Cogent and the National Skills Academy for the Process Industries

The purpose of this Award is to recognise the employer who has done the most to contribute to the acquisition of skills by the company's workforce.

Bayer CropScience Limited - Norwich

The Norwich site created The 'Bayer Excellence Model', which provides high quality training opportunities, which develop knowledge, skills & creativity, increase flexibility, improve efficiency & performance and support skills development for its operators. It responds to emerging skills pressures, resulting from growth in new jobs, changes in working practice, the challenge of the knowledge economy and the demands of regulation within the industry segment.

Pentagon Chemicals - Widnes

Skills training and acquisition is at the heart of Pentagon's sustainable development plan and has been key to improving all aspects of business performance.  Achieving Business Improvement Techniques Level 2 for operators and 3 for shift managers has played a huge role in saving the site £1 million over 3 years. Training days are built into the shift system which allows every operator to keep up to date as well as gain new qualifications. Currently training activities are 80% towards their aim of becoming accredited at Cogent Gold standard.

Total Petrochemicals UK Ltd. - Stalybridge

Following restructuring in 2008 Total began a full learning and development program, which looked at all levels of the organisation. Based on increased responsibility shift site managers and those who aspire to this level are undertaking a an extensive training programme based around the Cogent Gold Standard, including leadership and management level 3 training. Business Improvement teams have been set up across the site giving everyone a chance to achieve Level 2. 

Excellence In Engineering Award - Sponsored by BIS Industrial Services

The purpose of this Award is to recognise the contribution of engineering excellence in the chemical industry towards improved business performance. The award will recognise innovation and outstanding delivery of engineering within chemical operator organisations or from suppliers who provide outsourced engineering services to the industry.

ABB Engineering Services - Billingham

In-depth industry knowledge and a hands-on operational legacy are at the heart of ABB's programme to provide engineering and training services across the process industries. Working with clients, ABB have defined a range of differentiated CPD approved training and awareness programmes, many of which are delivered free across the UK.  Over 12,000 people have now attended one of these widely recognised, industry leading, training events.

Haden Freeman Group (HFL), Denton

HFL provides innovative, sustainable solutions to the chemical industry by identifying the real problem areas. HFL have been the main contractor on a number of ground breaking projects including the UK's first food grade plastic recycling plant and design of a novel conveying system for hazardous materials.

INEOS Manufacturing Scotland Limited, Grangemouth

INEOS engineers have developed an Engineering Control System as a 'one stop shop' to control, manage and access real time information on all aspects of a project including finance, scheduling, forecasting and documentation. The system has been widely acclaimed by third parties and is now being considered for use by other INEOS businesses.

Syngenta, Huddersfield

Syngenta's engineering teams have developed beyond the level seen in many companies. Working as one team with production and suppliers has delivered savings of several hundred thousand pounds over the last two years. 

Innovation Award Sponsored by GlaxoSmithKline

This Award will acknowledge the successful use and application of innovation within a business or across a supply chain to achieve tangible business results with clear societal impact.

Croda Europe Ltd - Widnes

UVA radiation is now known to be a major cause of skin caner so recent legislation requires all sun creams to ensure protection against UVA.  Croda have developed a single active ingredient that can achieve this through developing a better understanding and manipulation of titanium dioxide crystal structure and particle size.

Brocklesby / Double Green - North Cave

Production of biodiesel from spent cooking oil produces waste glycerol which is costly to dispose of. In partnership with York University Double Green have developed a novel water treatment chemical that avoids use of toxic materials and another stream is used in the production of biomethane.

 Eli Lilly and Company Limited - Speke

Lilly have developed an innovative private-public partnership to enhance prevention, diagnosis and treatment for patients with of multi dug resistant tuberculosis. Manufacture involves a fermentation step and complex isolation and purification process. Yield and output from both the steps have been significantly improved enabling the site to meet demand.

Huntsman Polyurethanes - Wilton

Huntsman have completely redesigned the process to improve the manufacture of aniline, by careful choice of conditions, high-grade product requiring minimum purification has been produced. If applied to Huntsman plants worldwide this technology would save 660,000tonnes of carbon dioxide.

Johnson Matthey - London

Fresh food spoilage is a major global problem, much of this waste is caused by ethylene given off by fresh fruit and flowers causing premature ripening and softening. Using their expertise in precious metal chemistry Johnson Matthey has developed a system that absorbs the ethylene, thus preventing ripening. It can be used commercially and in the home and is beneficial at protecting a much wider range of products than alternatives on the market.

Oxford Catalysts Group plc - Abingdon

Commercial processes for converting gas to liquid fuels often need to be run with low throughput and productivity in order to control the large amount of heat generated. Oxford Catalysts have developed and are commerciallising a micro-channel reactor with a new highly active catalyst that can overcome these problems and is specifically designed to be used with syngas generated from waste. The first demonstration plant is helping power an eco-town.

Environmental Leadership Award - Sponsored by Johnson Matthey

This Award is for the company or operating unit that can demonstrate excellence in environmental leadership through the development or use of innovative clean technology or products that help reduce the environmental footprint of chemical manufacturing. The award is open to both manufacturing companies and equipment / technology / product suppliers.

Fine Organics Limited - Seal Sands

A cradle to grave management solution for all site wastes has been developed, saving the site tens of thousands of pounds as well as reducing the environmental burden. The software system ensures waste outcomes are assessed early in the project lifecycle and integrates waste management into all departments. Identified by the Environment Agency as an example of good practice, Fine Organics now mentor other companies.

GrowHow UK Limited - Billingham

Carrying out costly process improvements to reduce the environmental burden that goes beyond compliance under challenging economic conditions is always a difficult decision. By working closely with the Environment Agency over the timing, GrowHow have invested in improvements to their fertilizer plant at the most appropriate point in the cycle.  The result is an economically viable plant that now avoids particulate emissions to the atmosphere and has very low ammoniacal nitrogen liquid discharges. The project has been highlighted by the Environment Agency as an excellent example of industry and regulators working together.

GlaxoSmithKline - Irvine

Driven by their Pollution Prevention and Control Permit application, a team was established to go beyond compliance and reduce the environmental burden and make cost savings in a number of areas including energy use, reduce emissions of volatile organic compoundsand loss of containment. A large number of projects have been undertaken with the result that VOC emissions were reduced by 25% and electricity use was down by 13% in 2009.

GlaxoSmithKline - Ulveston

Faced with challenges from Far East generics manufactures the site has successfully used resource efficiency and waste reduction as tools to become more competitive at the same time as reducing their environmental footprint. 

Shasun Pharma Solutions - Cramlington

Shasun are helping local businesses by using spare capacity on their biological effluent treatment plant to treat their waste. In a separate developmenta a voluntary group of employees has taken forward a self-funded project to develop a wetlands and wildlife area on the site of remediated industrial waste water lagoons. These are well used by schools and other groups to study nature living happily alongside the chemical plant.

SI Group-UK Ltd. - Four Ashes

SI Group inherited a contaminated site from previous owners, monitoring showed that the contamination was moving outside the site towards a drinking water abstraction plant. A pro-active approach was adopted and after consultation with local stakeholders the company worked with a third party to install a novel  'pump and treat' solution involving a biological treatment plant, which takes water from seven boreholes, drilled on site.

ABB Manufacturing and Resource Efficiency Award -Sponsored by ABB Engineering Services Limited

The Award is to recognise the company or individual operating unit that can demonstrate world-class manufacturing performance or the most successful improvement to its manufacturing performance involving demonstrable excellence and/or significant improvements to resource efficiency (raw materials, energy, water, utilities etc) within the manufacturing process.

Fine Organcs Limited - Seal Sands

Continuous Improvement, a way of life is the motto behind the site's drive to improve quality, cost and delivery performance using LEAN manufacturing techniques. An elegant Overall Equipment Efficiency monitoring programme has been installed which allows operator input and automatically analyses data. Using this has enabled production of two key materials to be increased by over 50% employing the same assets.

GlaxoSmithKline - Montrose 

Active participation and a drive to improve performance by all staff are at the heart of GSK Montrose's success. In recent years manufacturing performance has been turned around through a systematic approach to solving problems, a drive to ensure what everyone does is aligned with site objectives and staff at all levels working together in improvement teams. This approach and a drive to cut all waste has turned the site round from threatened closure to one taking on board new products and competing effectively in the global market.

Kemira Chemicals (UK) Ltd. - Bradford

 Over the last three years Kemira have an enviable record of productivity increases at the same time as reducing energy use. The site has focused on eliminating non-value adding activities, operator intervention has been minimized and a new mobile phone system enables operators to multi-task while being fully aware of what is happening on plant. Improvement teams have increased production reliability and quality, which now means that the site can significantly reduce stock and re-work has been minimized.

Responsible Care Special Award for Process Safety Leadership

Sponsored by Shell UK

 Improving process safety is key to protecting our people and hardware, enhancing our businesses and the reputation and sustainability of our industry.  This Award is designed to sustain the high profile of process safety, reinforce process safety as an integral element within Responsible Care, promote the CIA Best Practice Guide on process safety leadership and encourage leadership and the sharing of best practice.

The Award will be given to the company or site that can demonstrate excellence in Process Safety Leadership performance.

GlaxoSmithKline - Irvine

Exceeding expectations and requirements is at the heat of the Irvine site's process safety drive. They have developed a toolkit that allowed high risks to be identified, scoped and implemented. This, coupled with putting in place resources to measure, monitor and manage progress on a risk based inspection programme has led to solvent loss being reduced by three quarters.  In 2009 the site targeted process safety training and implementation of a new permit to work system amongst its priorities.

GlaxoSmithKline - Montrose

A focus on continuous improvement and involvement of all employees is behind the Montrose site's success. A robust list of leading and lagging indicators which are frequently reviewed and changed when needed ensure the site is focusing on areas relevant to their operations. An excellent 4-level communications system, backed by widespread visible charting ensures that all employees are aware of their own role and the sites performance and targets.

GlaxoSmithKline - Ulverston

Over the last three years, the Ulverston site has accelerated improvements in process safety management.  A steering team made up of senior leaders met fortnightly to oversee the development and delivery of the plan and objectives were set for all senior managers.  The strategy centred on improving procedures and behaviours, and was supported by a targeted capital investment aimed at improving technical controls. Staff engagement was vital to success and process safety training was delivered to all staff.

INEOS ChlorVinyls - Runcorn 

The Runcorn site has made a leading edge response to both internal and industry-wide concerns over process safety and its progressive development. Within a large organisation undergoing radical change the leadership team has unequivocally placed process safety as the top priority for all employees. 2009 saw a complete updating of standard operating procedures and a focus on behavioral Safety, Health and Environmental standards for Manufacturing.

SABIC UK Petrochemicals, Ltd, Wilton 

A strong commitment from the leadership team is evident at SABIC, this has resulted in wide involvement in industry fora and best practice sharing. The annual process safety improvement plan is incorporated into the site plan, giving high visibility and frequent review at UK board level. Involvement from across the business has meant that the profile and importance of process safety has been raised throughout all sectors of the company. 

INEOS Responsible Care Award Sponsored by INEOS 

This Award is for the company or site which has excelled at Responsible Care by demonstrating leadership and a creative approach. 

Solutia UK Ltd - Newport 

Solutia Newport is a COMAH top-tier site with an integrated Management System, including Responsible Care, certified to EMAS, ISO14001 & 18001.  In 2009 the site undertook an extensive behavioural safety training programme involving all employees. Solutia is also striving to reduce its environmental burden and has developed innovative technology for the destruction of formaldehyde in effluent. It is also looking at opportunities for an energy from waste plant.

Huntsman Polyurethanes - Wilton 

Employee engagement, training and involvement is core to Huntsman's successful Safety Health and Environment record. Identifying safe and unsafe acts is everyone's responsibility, with all employees carrying out an audit every 2 months, with good quality audits being recognised with a gift. Huntsman play a leading role in the community and host community liaison panels to keep neighbours fully informed about site activities

BASF Performance Products - Paisley

The Paisley site is one of the few remaining manufacturing sites for classical and mid range organic pigments in the UK, making products for colouration of coatings, inks plastics and paper. In very challenging business times implementing several restructuring and redundancy programmes the company has demonstrated its commitment to Responsible Care by further improving its overall EHS performance.

Fine Organics Limited - Seal Sands

Fine Organics is committed to Continuous Improvement in everything they do, an obligation which extends to their responsible care performance.  There is a focus on providing staff with the skills and tools which enable them to deliver improvements in areas such as risk assessment, waste management, unsafe condition reporting and competency assessment using a in house designed integrated business management system. 

REACH Service Provider Award Sponsored by REACH Ready 

This Award is to recognise the company providing key support to companies who have an obligation to register substances for REACH.

APC - Wetherby 

APC has a global network of experts with vast experience in the chemical industry and in working with Competent Authorities. They have pre-registered several hundred substances and have been highly acclaimed for their work as Only Representative.  APC specialise in delivering a reliable, cost-effective service and have put in place an extensive training programme to ensure staff are fully prepared to meet customer expectations.

Baytouch - Padiham

Baytouch is a global leader in the provision of REACH Management IT solutions, being the first to market with an IT solution supporting the formation of large consortia with multiple substances. Baytouch's unique approach of openly working with other service providers and in partnerships through its REACHsuite solution is helping major consortia, SIEFs and companies to achieve their REACH goals.

ENVIRON - London

Environ provides strategic and technical advice on all aspects of REACH and prides itself on quality and reliability. Detailed analysis of requirements enables clients to avoid unnecessary costs and listening to industry needs has led to development of a database which helps reduce costs for downstream users. With the aim of simplifying the regulatory burden for customers, Environ have created an enviable reputation across the whole supply chain of companies requiring REACH services.

The REACH Centre - Lancaster

Founded in 2007 The REACH Centre has grown rapidly to become globally recognised as a leading provider of services to industry. As well as assisting companies meet their registration deadlines they run an extensive range of training courses and have teamed up with the local university to offer a Postgraduate Course in REACH Compliance. A unique supply chain management consultancy allows retailers to remove the most hazardous substances from their products whilst minimising cost of compliance.

Risk & Policy Analysts Ltd - Loddon

RPA is an SME that has developed excellent working relationships with both regulators and industry. They have been actively involved in the preparatory work for REACH for over five years, with staff undertaking the majority of the European Commission's REACH impact assessments and providing input to a number of the REACH guidance documents. A particular focus of their activities involves working closely with SME's to help them through what can appear a regulatory maze. 

BASF Young Ambassador Award Sponsored by BASF

This Award is to recognize an outstanding young person who is demonstrating communication skills and leadership associated with the chemical industry and contributing to its success.

Adefunké Adeosun-Verhaak, Dow Corning, Barry

Funke is an environmental engineer, with a focus on environmental protection and legislation. She is very interested in clean technology and is now getting involved in process design to fulfill this passion. She wants the industry to be seen as a solution provider, not as a cause of environmental problems.  She is involved with a number of outreach projects involving schools and following taking a creative writing course has taken over responsibility for the site's Environmental Newsletter to widespread acclaim.

Beth Bostock, Shell UK Oil Products Ltd., Stanlow

As a process engineer with experience in Holland and the UK supporting complex manufacturing plants Beth has developed strong leadership and influencing skills. Her huge amounts of energy and enthusiasm are put to good use in promoting chemical engineering in universities, which includes hosting dinners for university staff and developing industry related design projects for students. Beth is also no stranger to engaging with the media, having been interviewed by the Financial Times and had an article published in The Independent.

Andrew Ferguson, INEOS Manufacturing Scotland Ltd, Grangemouth

Andrew is full of passion and enthusiasm about his role as a mechanical engineer, and takes every opportunity to convey to youngsters the role engineers play in improving productivity and making UK industry more competitive. Andrew plays a leading part in a team promoting recruitment and regularly has students 'shadowing' his every move, his approachable, friendly manor quickly makes students feel at home.  Andrew is also very active in the local IMechE, which again also often involves engaging and enthusing young people.

Navraj Makena, Macfarlan Smith, Edinburgh

Navraj displays a strong commitment and passion for the industry. He has wide ranging experience of engaging with young people from being a STEM ambassador to helping a local council set up e-mentoring for gifted and talented children. He is active within the local IChemE branch and organizes quiz nights and other fun activities to encourage student participation. Navraj is also a regular public speaker, both as captain of the local golf team and as a popular 'best man', being called to duty five times in recent years. 

Fiona Reid, GlaxoSmithKline, Irvine

Fiona is the Site Environmental Owner and in her three years at GSK she has developed projects that have delivered major energy savings and reduced environmental footprint. A lot of Fiona's success is down to her influencing skills and ease of communication at all levels within the organization and with regulators. She has a strong commitment to sustainable development and would like the opportunity to help industry realise changes that improve the environment and deliver long term business benefits. Outside work Fiona plays hockey to a high level and coaches local schools.

Joydip Sanyal, ABB Engineering Services, Billingham

Joydip is a mechanical engineer having both design and consultancy rolls within ABB, the latter having helped develop his well-tuned communication skills.  He is also leading a global team to improve on line customer service, a project which has been highly acclaimed by senior management. He is an active STEM ambassador and visits many schools on Teesside; he is also the academic liaison officer for the local IMechE branch, arranging meetings on current hot topics.

Company of the Year Award Sponsored by Haden Freeman Group

Contract Chemicals Limited, Knowsley

For many years CCL has contributed to the general advancement of the industry at a level that reflects an organisation well beyond CCL's SME scale. In the last two years, against a climate of difficult times for the industry, CCL reinvigorated its business to become a growing, stable and profitable company through new product introductions and a focus on rapid customer response, quality and safety.  The innovative team-based approach allowed for process and productivity improvements that not only enabled the products to be successful introduced but enhanced the reputation of CCL. 

Dow Corning Limited, Barry

The Barry site has had an outstanding year, achieving significant growth as well as improvements in safety and environmental performance, this follows being voted one of the top 50 places to work in the UK in 2008. The company was quick to put in measures to counteract the effects of the recession and by the fourth quarter 2009 were achieving record production. The production plan was increased three times during the year and Dow Corning still exceeded it, while coming in 10% under their fixed expense budget and recording a 50% injury reduction.

Northeast of England Process Industry Cluster Limited, Wilton

NEPIC has helped secure many investment projects for the North East region over recent years which have contributed 1750 jobs worth £220m of GVA to the UK economy.  The cluster operates two mobile laboratories and a mobile planetarium for schools they have also attended many careers fairs on behalf of industry meeting about 3000 graduates. Strategic Innovation themes for the NE industry were developed with partners resulting in national centres being developed for advanced processing, bioprocessing and printed electronics.

Pentagon Chemicals (Holdings) Limited, Workington

Pentagon has delivered sustained profitability over the last three years following an earlier MBO and acquisition programme. With a focus on excellence and continuous improvement especially in sustainable manufacturing, resource efficiency, skills and safety, Pentagon continues to grow its reputation as a quality and reliable supplier of specialty and fine chemicals contract manufacturing services. Pentagon's success has been widely recognised and in recent years they have won several prestigious awards from a variety of trade sectors and independent bodies.

Contact Name: Fiona Ferguson

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