Business Has No Confidence That Politicians Understand Manufacturing | CIA





Press Release

In a speech in Liverpool, ahead of the Prime Minster’s arrival, at the Trade Union Congress (Tuesday 15 September), Steve Elliott, Chief Executive of the Chemical Industries Association (CIA), announced the results of a survey, which shows that politicians, the banks and the education system are failing the manufacturing sector.

The CIA survey found that 87% of business leaders in the chemical and pharmaceutical industry feel that politicians of all parties do not understand the significance of manufacturing and do not have the right policies to support it.

Manufacturing is also being let down by the education sector and banks according to 78% of those surveyed.

Elliott said “the UK has good industrial infrastructure and we could be well placed to lead the transition to a low carbon economy but the failure of politicians to understand industries that actually make things puts those strengths at risk.

Politicians speak about rebalancing the economy and of new green jobs in manufacturing but so far all we lack a convincing strategy for making the UK an attractive place to manufacture. 

The Government must start today with measures such as support for short term working and in the long-term benchmark the UK against its competitors on tax, support for R&D, investment in infrastructure and being welcoming to business.”

Contact Name: Fiona Ferguson

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